January-June 2020

I’m not good at monthly reports anymore. I’ve published last one a year ago and then I’ve completely abandoned the idea. But as I was saying at the beginning – those monthly reports are showing the bigger picture, and I still believe it’s something worth taking care of.
January-June 2020 report
That’s why I came up with the idea of a fresh start for my monthly reports. Next month I will figure out the new template for it and today I’m presenting you a small, but powerful picture – the summary of my projects I was working on since the beginning of 2020. You can surely see the Covid-19 pandemic had an impact on my day-to-day routine. I hate that fact, but I’m also happy I’ve noticed that it all seems to be getting back to normal (with my projects and stuff).

How to read the picture?
I’ve marked Enclave Games‘ related projects green, MAMAdesigner – yellow, Tutsy – blue, and the private ones – pink. Dots are all kind of projects, squares are those related to photography. At the bottom you can see the month number (01 is for January, 02 for February, and so on). On top you can see the total number of projects – it’s 49. In 2019 it was 98 but in 2018 only 62 for first half of the year – that means 2020 is worse than previous years but not that dramatically, and I can get the wrong impression, because 2019 was really productive. And I’m not counting all home schooling projects I did with my 4-yo. I think they should count as well, but in other statistics – I’m definitely taking the time spent with my daughter as something very important and valuable.
In conclusion
It’s time for me to be more productive, so 2020 won’t get the most unproductive year of all title. And I didn’t say the last word yet. I’m curious how you feel about your productivity during the lockdown – let me know in the comments 😉