October 2022

Whooo, that was a break! It’s not a coincidence that I feel a little bit overwhelmed lately – that’s because I haven’t been making summ-ups for some time now. The math is simple here – if I don’t do the summ-ups, I will feel the chaos. Let’s get back to monthly reports then.
Table of Contents
I’m gonna write a separate blogpost about it but I’ve designed a new level of our cool Flood Escape Game. This time it was all about Halloween.
And I’ve created a kind of “I spy” analog game for kids – also Halloween one.
This is my biggest project right now. I’m trying to keep up with regular writing and publishing. Last month was really good. I’ve published 7 posts. There were two types of posts in October: School Graphics and Halloween Graphics. I’ve figured that School Graphics is something I want to repeat yearly.
There was a time when Tutsy was my biggest project and right now it’s my biggest remorse. Because I really want to write new posts there and I keep not doing it. I really regret that I don’t have time for Tutsy. I used to love it. And I really need to figure out something here. Don’t know yet…
It’s easier to be back here than on Tutsy. That’s because I’m still making some personal projects in the meantime. So it’s only a matter of writing a blogpost about them (Tutsy needs more time and work). For example I got back to my Instagram account and I’m planning to post some pretty pics and deep thoughts there.
Enclave Games
It’s funny how the dynamics works here – at the beginning of year I’m completely into gamedev.js while in the middle and at the end of the year I’m focused totally on js13k. So nothing to see here right now 😉
In October I took part in the voting process of the competition. I spent a couple of days playing games. It’s kind of madness to me how in this particular time of the year we’re only ordering the food and refilling our cups with tea and coffee and just playing games day and night 😉
But it’s worth it – we end up with a bunch of coolest games another year in a row. The end of October was full of closing the competition process. We’re gathering data for the Swag shipping process. It’s gonna be really tough this year because we still have problems with printing houses and everything is just crazy right now. But I’m hoping we’re gonna make it anyway – as always.
Outside projects
I was shooting tasty food in Il Tartufo Ristorante Italiano at the beginning of the month. It was a nice event – a combination of work and family and friends meeting.
Other stuff (personal)
- We’ve been to a lovely pumpkin’s farm.
- I’ve finished series of routine medical examinations and I’ve write a Insta post about the importance of routine examinations.
- I was walking a lot and shoot some cool pics of nature.
- I’m teaching my daughter how to make videos – we’ve made this Reel with oatmeal cooking.
- I was to Łódź for couple of hours – finishing some family stuff.
- I’ve opened my daughter’s first bank account – from now on I’m paying her pocket money by bank transfer.
- We’ve been to one Halloween party and we’ve through another one.
- We’ve celebrated ender’s birthday.
- My daughter figured out her own unique signature and I’m gonna make her logo from it – it’s so awesome to see how your own child is making projects as you.
- I’m back on therapy.
- Lot of unexpecting paperwork and processes due to my daughter’s education.
- Designing, writing and publishing as usual, but more regular.
- 2022 summary and 2023 plans.