July 2020
Do you know the feeling when you have some tasks to accomplish but there are so many things to look up that you don’t even know where to start?
I’ve used to have that feeling so many times before, until I discovered the GTD Methodology (Getting Things Done). At the beginning of this year I had the chance to write a review of the book Getting Things Done for teens (you can read it here, it’s only in Polish). I’ve designed some planning sheets compatible with the methodology and polished my planning system, which I’ve already had. Few months later, after the whole lockdown thing, I’m getting back to my original plan for 2020. I’m still catching up with some things, but thanks to GTD I’m feeling it’s doable and easier than any time before.
July 2020 report
And I can see it in numbers – I’m comparing July with previous months of 2020 and I can clearly see I’m getting back on track. 14 Projects done, including some big ones like new Enclave Games website or cool Math Black Peter card game on MAMAdesigner. I also made a recovery plan for Tutsy and this blog and started working on projects related to Grant For The Web, which will take most of my time in the second half of 2020.
How to read the picture?
I’ve marked Enclave Games‘ related projects green, MAMAdesigner – yellow, Tutsy – blue, and the private ones – pink. Dots are all kind of projects, squares are those related to photography. At the bottom you can see the month number (01 is for January, 02 for February, and so on). On top you can see the total number of projects.
The Bigger Picture
I’ve also taken a look at the bigger picture and right now I know what I want to do when I grow up even clearer than any time in my whole life, so GTD works for me very well. Step by step I’m gonna make it. I can tell the plan includes a lot of cool games and some amazing trips.
Stay tuned.