January 2021

I can’t help the feeling that everything is starting to speed up right now. Last week was crazy and beyond my control. That’s why I need to slow down and get everything back to order.
I’ve started to design a casual game for Enclave Games. I’m happy with the concept, but after some sketches my attention went to other things and I didn’t finish what I was about to finish. I’ve got another game design to make in February, so I want to finish both projects – the delayed one from January and the fresh one from February.
I did finish the Forest Memory Board Game for MAMAdesigner. You can download and print 6 pairs of forest animals cards for free and prepare your own memory game out of it. I’ve also written an article about games for kids. It’s in Polish right now, but I’m going to translate it for English and publish it on my Coil blog.

Gamedev.js designs
As long as Warsaw meetups still can’t be the thing due to the pandemic situation I didn’t design anything for Gamedev.js in January but I’m pretty sure I will design something for Gamedev.js Jam 2021 soon.
js13kGames designs
A whole bunch of backstage things are going on right now. We’re still closing the 2020 compo and at the same time we’re working on this year’s 10th edition. I’m working on new website design and other graphics.
Designs for Enclave Games
Nothing was designed in January but we’re about to do some cool brand stuff very soon.
4 posters, 1 DIY box design, 1 memory game and 1 cool article about games for kids (as I’ve mentioned above) means I did everything I wanted to do in January. I’ve also prepared some content for insta-story and I’m about to continue this activity.

I was planning to publish 2 articles on Tutsy and 2 on Coil, but I’ve ended up with 1 article on Tutsy and 1 short Hello World on Coil. It’s still 50% of a plan but I want to improve this.

I did practice my calligraphy skill but not as much as I wanted to. I’m also not happy with the fact I didn’t sketch anything. That’s something I need to focus on in February.

I’ve got a couple of photo sessions planned but there was too much of other stuff so I wasn’t able to push them forward.
Neuroshima Hex
Didn’t do anything.
Outside Clients
Haven’t got time for outside projects. I’ve been swamped with js13k 😉
Other stuff
- I’m still reading this book – Bajki rozebrane and I know already it’s the one of books I will read for a long time and treat as a therapy.
- I bought a sled for my daughter 🙂 it was snowy in Warsaw so we used them many times!
- I was crying a little after Flash Player 😉
- I felt in love with Jeremy Loops music – check out Underwater Blues <3
- I’ve visited my old friend and welcomed her 5-month baby-boy to the world – couldn’t have done that earlier because of the pandemic.
- I’ve started mastermind meetups – will see how they’re gonna work for me.