My sweet 33rd birthday and the gifts I got
Yesterday I’ve turned 33. I’m ok with that, you don’t need to cheer me up with words like “life begin after 30“, it actually had began when you were born, and if you talk about life in general, it appeared almost 4 mld years ago. 😉
I really like my birthday, even if each one adds +1 to my overall life-years score. This time I was celebrating with my closest family. Well, my husband joined me and my daughter in the evening, because he just came back from W3C Workshop but he didn’t miss the birthday cupcake.
Celebrating b-day is also about gifts. I really like to make some birthday gifts on my own and I want to share with you what I did this year.
Well, first of all I did my first tatoo. I’ve wanted it since I can remember, but I did it only a few days ago. Nevertheless, I’m extremely happy and proud of it.
Second birthday gift I made partly by myself is a small game for #meditationgames. Meditation games is the concept of gathering 365 games – one for every day. Each game comes from another game developer (or gamedev studio/team) and tells another “meditation”, which is a message from that day in the past. When my husband, End3r, told me about that idea I new I’ve got a message that fits perfectly, but he had to convince me anyway… and he did! Sure, I was scared when I bring to life my life-long project, my never-ending story, my secret game… But this was it.
You know, I’ve got this game concept in my head since I’ve started studying graphic design in 2005. I think the idea got its shape in 2009 but it was only “a shaped idea” for next 10 years. In our #meditationgames demo I’ve placed main character from that secret game. The character is a girl with the red balloon, her name is “R”. In full game version she’ll be doing a lot of cool stuff. Once she came to life in the demo, I’ve got to build her game world and let her tell you a story. You can say hello to her here – in our #meditationgames demo, called “Whatever it takes” (check out what End3r wrote about it too).
I also want to tell you about a gift from my family, because it’s soooooo cool! 😉 They gave me Pop figure of Shank! If you don’t know Shank, I can tell you, she’s the best. Shank is a female character from Disney’s Ralph Breaks the Internet. She’s the boss from a racing game called Slaughter Race and she’s real badass. She drives like crazy and kicks player’s asses but she’s kind and pretty too. I fell in love for her at first sight! XD She’s my hero since I’ve watched the movie.
To be serious – I’m wondering what if, instead of “Beauty and the Beast”, I could watch somehing like “Shank kicks prince’s ass” as a child. XD I’m not into feminist movements but since I’ve got daughter I know girls can be strong and don’t need to wait for the prince and they can play with cars too. 😉 So, Shank’s figure is standing on my desk right now and telling me “follow your dreams, don’t wait till someone will lift you up” 😉
Oh, and thanks to all of you for b-day wishes!